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Economic impact of hunting and fishing in TX

According to the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, the Lone Star’s hunters and anglers spend $4.1 billion annually and support ~66,000 jobs statewide.

Per the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, there are about 2.5 million anglers in TX and they spend about $2 billion annually on their sport.


Charity related organizations

Farmers And Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH) has provided almost 17 million nutritious meals to the needy since 1997.


Work with the Wardens

Operation Game Thief, a privately funded crime-stoppers program aimed at curtailing poaching, offers a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of someone who commits a wildlife crime. If you have any information about a crime involving wildlife, call the confidential line at (800) 792-GAME.



In the U.S., between 7,000 and 8,000 individuals are bitten by venomous snakes each year, and the number of fatalities is in the single digits.  By contrast, many more Americans die from bee, wasp, and hornet stings (58) and car crashes (33,000) each year.  Global snakebite fatalities are closer to 100,000 each year.



In 2014, almost half of the 1,132 positive rabies cases in Texas came from skunks.


Water Conservation

Water is the most common substance on Earth, but almost all of it, 97%, is salty and not potable.  Two percent is frozen in glaciers and ice caps – leaving only 1% for us to drink.

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